Formento and Formento come out of a hybrid lineage of art and fashion. You might call
them Third Picture Generation Artists. Their work conjures the sensibilities of an art film
and extends it through lengthy series. Although their work is not explicit fashion, they tend
to observe high fashion standards in casting, hair and makeup, which invariably injects a
frisson of glamour into the scenario. Their locations and their light are first rate, giving a
genuine cinematic sensibility to the photographs with big screen values, but
Formento & Formento are a duo that travels light and manages to achieve soundstage
quality without Hollywood budgets.
In their Japan Diaries they arrived as outsiders
bringing with them rich impressions accumulated from Japanese art and cinema, but
possessing keen fresh eyes hungry for the exotic aesthetic contrarieties of this ancient
yet ultra modern culture.
In their work there is no resolution, only an allure that inspires longing for something
strange and unknown. Everywhere there are hints of what might link these images, but
the movie only happens in your head and it can be different every time. Real life happens
in motion like cinema. Dreams, bounded only by the imagination, begin in stills.
They are professional travelers, bringing expertise imagination and almost alien gift for absorbing
and rendering the spirit of a time and place.William S Burroughs, who loved to
collaborate and who created “the cut up method” with painter Brion Gysin, said that when two minds work together they create a third mind.Here we see that two eyes can create a third eye, and everyone knows that the third eye can see through time and space,
showing us the things otherwise invisible.
~Glenn O'Brien
Embossed linen hardback with tipped in image
90 pages
Book size 12 x 12 inches
$49 book
$69 Signed book
$299 Artist Edition signed 8X12 inch archival pigment print